Sunday, June 19, 2011

Phase 2 of my RILS strategic planning involved using my mother to access my concept map remotely and make some minor changes.  After a phone call for clarification and brainstorming ideas, the map evolved from an abstract figure to a spider-like creature, more fleshed out and detailed.  I appreciated the feedback on what additional topics to add, but of course I got more than I bargained for by using family members as consultants J.  Nearly losing focus, I had to reel the project back into the light and pare off the extra fluff that my mom tried to add.  (Note to self, in the future use an objective subject to test out test tools with).    Even she noted how easily she was able to manipulate the site and create topics, subtopics and change the background.  I think if she had been using the tool for a little while in advance, there wouldn’t have been a need for the phone call, but curiosity (and just catching up in general) got the best of her.   She wanted to know more about my assignment and once she was briefed she was more than happy to assist.   This makes me optimistic about my RILS plan but I feel my approach with my actual participants may need a little tweaking.   I may need to prep my subjects and have them review the tutorial video and then provide some initial feedback on their comfort level at using Mindomo.   I still feel this is one of the easiest tools to use in a collaborative environment whether it is remote or next door.  Looking forward to my results this week, stay tuned! 

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