Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello followers!  This week I chose to discover Penzu, a secure, online journaling site that allows you to keep your entries private using encryption or to share them with others via email or by publishing them like a blog.  

I’m in love with the diary style design of this site that looks like actual paper bound in a leather journal.  Although Penzu is free for anyone to use, I found that there are more options available in the Pro mode.  For $19 a year, users get offerings such as customized fonts, backgrounds, arrangement of pictures and so forth.  Users can go mobile, adding entries on the go and also get the option of reminders sent to them, prompting them to add to their journal.  This site takes me back to my 10th grade English class where one of our assignments each week was to write in a composition book about a topic of our choosing.  If this web tool were available back then, I would have an extensive journal of my life by now.

I thought this site might be useful in my environment because often service members are restricted in what they can talk about, many times don’t know how to deal with various situations, military in nature or not, and need an outlet to simply express their ideas, opinions and experiences without fear of backlash.  This is a great alternative to social sites such as Twitter and Facebook, which makes everything viral instantly.  Penzu allows anyone to rant and rave, share and personalize his or her feelings in a secure environment. 

A final, and encouraging note, there is no storage limit with Penzu, and, therefore, no need to abbreviate language or clip one’s words due to character limits.  Welcome back, English language!

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