Saturday, June 18, 2011

My first choice for my RILS was  After viewing the awesome tutorial showing real time collaboration and updating, I was set on using this tool, but the tool is still in the beta stages L and I had to subscribe to the website to be contacted once they’re up and running.  

Not a distant second place is  This concept-mapping tool is fairly simple to use.  I decided to “map” out my RILS planning strategy using this tool to show my progress for this blog.  Producing the map was easy.  This site also has a handy video tutorial which allowed me hit the ground running. (Is it just me or do you get excited hearing instructions in a foreign accent?? J).   I created a topic, produced a few subtopics and then played around with layouts, adding notes to subtopics and everything flowed easily.  My next step was to assign collaborators as my scenario involves bringing in multiple people to design/redesign a concept map around a simple topic.  So of course I sent my mom a link and gave her permissions to view and modify the map I’d created.  Once she’s tested the link and gives me feedback, I’ll move on to the next phase of my RILS plan.

Here’s the finished product as of now.  I did a basic layout and color but as with most sites, I can do more like password protect my map or conduct a spellcheck if I upgrade to a premium account.  But for now, this works just fine for my research purposes.

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