Saturday, June 4, 2011

Greetings followers!  Today's post will be a review of my newest Web2.0 tool, 

I chose this particular tool because it has features that would allow me to create e-learning content and push it out to a specific person/group or make it available to all users.  In a military environment, it is easier to assign courses to users, setting due dates and requirements while controlling how the content is delivered.  This gives supervisors the ability to design specific learning objectives for their various users. 

In another life, I was exposed to a Learning Management System (LMS), acting as a content manager, tester and designer, so felt very familiar.  I designed a simple website using the default display, but html-savvy users have the capability of designing a site from scratch.  I added a mock lesson just to see the site’s user friendliness. 

The final product looks like this.

The main feature I was drawn to is the Create > Courses process.   I created a mock course called “Lesson” and played around with the different types of media I could use.  I settled on a slide show using sample pictures from the Mac library and followed it up with a quiz.  I was then able to assign the course to a user, myself, and assign a due date.  While trying to work this particular magic, I stumbled upon user roles.  This is the section where the Administrator can assign or limit permissions for a user, an essential function if multiple users need access to the site.  I realized at this point that I’d worked backwards, creating content before assigning roles.  

Overall, this is a great tool to use for course content creation and delegation.  It certainly helps that I’ve had LMS exposure, but without that background I may not have maneuvered this site very well.  The key drawback of this, and any public site, is security of content.  This can, however, be overcome with Single-Sign On (SSO), passwords, etc.

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