Monday, May 30, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog!

Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to stop by!  I'm Dawn and this is my blog.  I tried to come up with a catchy title that even I could remember and my first and last names are featured in popular movie titles, but Dawn of the Dead and Blairwitch don't really fit my personality.  So to spice things up, I incorporated my passion for food, namely bread and, well, you see the result.  This blog will not be solely about food, but I'm sure I'll find ways to sneak some in every now and again.

I'd like to start off this post by thanking everyone who has served, is serving or supporting a loved one who serves.  The sacrifices men, women and children make everyday for the freedoms of this country are in no way adequately compensated.  For the first time, I truly embraced what it means to remember when I volunteered to be a mentor to a child who had lost a service-connected loved one.  The three days I volunteered were exhausting, emotional and enlightening.  This holiday used to be about which cookouts had the best food and people, but from now on, I can't imagine spending it in any better way than helping to honor those who gave all.

And true to my word, I must comment on the delicious food provided to us this weekend - chicken and pasta, tacos, pizza, and my favorite, chocolate chip cookies!  I will be running for my health this week. :)